CranioSacral Work and How It Relates to Emothional Health
CranioSacral bodywork is a type of therapy which accesses the unconscious where memories (sometimes in body tissue) are stored. Practitioners take a specific 4 day course called Somato Emotional Therapy to acknowledge the presence of pain and body symptoms as an emotional response. We know that tension is often just trauma that is trapped in the body.
The nature of CST is very gentle touch. Unlike other bodywork, where the practitioner is actively making changes in muscles, ligaments, structure (bone alignment), CST is done with the intention of SUPPORTING the body in making any changes it desires. The defensive system is not being triggered which allows gentle release of body discomfort. Because people usually fall asleep, it is relaxing as well as therapeutic.
During a session, a CS practitioner is aware of movement, usually very subtle change that the body is making toward a more balanced way of being. If the movement suddenly stops (which we call a significance detector), we know that either unconsciously or through dialoguing with the client that a mind body connection has been made. Having a conversation with the client, I can ask what a particular phrase or word that they might have said means to them. Thus a conscious connection to a FEELING can be made which facilitates change.
Sometimes I use visualization or imagery to help discomfort have a way to be released. Healing emotional trauma can be gentle and move people to an easier, lighter, way of being.